So I had been reading Kristy's blog for a while...if you don't already you really should check her out. I mean she is from Wisconsin and she has three adorable little boys. ANYWAY, on to the carrot cake. I came across this post about "Ex-boyfriend carrot cake". Two things I love, a good story and some carrot cake. She was pregnant and craving her ex boyfriend's mom's carrot yup she emailed and got the recipe. I laugh because I can recall those crazy pregnancy cravings and the length that I would have gone to get a "fix"....good thing non of my ex boyfriends mom's had the lone recipe to bacon cheeseburgers!
So, on to the carrot cake AGAIN! {Sorry} I have made the cake twice...once they way she made it...but I wanted to make it a little "fancy" for Easter so I baked it in two round pans (and baked it for a little over 30 minutes). So it isn't the prettiest cake I have ever baked...but I am sure that it still tastes delicious!